30 days early-to-bed Challenge
- 22 May ( checked ✔ 11.11pm )
- 23 May ( checked ✔ 11.00pm ) - 今天依旧加班,有种诶刚吃饱了就到时间睡觉的错觉
- 24 May ( checked ✔ 11.35pm )
- 25 May ( checked ✔ 11.00pm ) - New year resolution - To type faster 😂
- 26 May ( checked ✔ 11.35pm ) - TG IF !
- 27 May ( checked ✔ 12.20am ) -shit almost miss it 🙊🙊
- 28 May ( checked ✔ 11.00pm) Monday blues
- 29 May ( checked ✔ 11.30pm ) so tired but my hair is still wet 😕
- 30 May ( checked ✔ 11.20pm )
- 31 May ( chop chop, I just got home around 11😅 .idk why there are as many people in the mrt regardless of the time. )
- 1 June ( checked ✔ 11.11 今天我难得那么早回家 就碰上mrt好像出问题 我从来没有看过raffles place 的platform 可以那么寸步难移 大家都拿出手机拍壮观的人满为患的照片😂,还好我的绿线没有问题 竟然没有问题阿会不会太幸运哈哈哈 )
- 2 June ( checked ✔ 11.00 gonna sleep soon, 我今天巧遇hongfoo 本尊😮 我都光看腿了,真的腿不要太长😱)
- 3 June ( checked ✔ 10.35pm fell asleep like there's no tmrw, don't mention about blogging 😂 )
- 4 June (checked ✔ 10.45pm gonna showcase my just-rebonded super flat hair style to my colleagues tmrw zzzzz better sleep early )
- 5 June ( checked ✔ 11.11 wish I have more time 😯 )
- 6 June ( checked ✔ 11.30 pm )
- 7 June ( checked ✔ 11.45pm such a long day, goodnight! )
- 8 June ( checked ✔ 11.30pm 好好睡觉 明天又是一条好汉😊 )
- 9 June ( checked ✔ believe it or not, I just had my dinner at 11.30 and now I'm on my bed😂 TGIF ga ban day )
- 10 June ( checked ✔ 10.35pm fell asleep and kept waking up during wee hours > < )
- 11 June ( checked ✔ 11.30 )
- 12 June ( checked ✔ 11.30 boss is back 🙈 )
- 13 June ( checked ✔ Can I sleep at 10 tonight? )
- 14 June ( checked ✔ 11.30 )
- 15 June ( checked ✔11.45 feel both the sense of inferiority complex and excitement when you're working with a bunch of capable people )
- 16 June ( checked ✔11.30 人如果睡不好 真的会干蠢事😂😂 )
- 17 June ( checked ✔ 回家就是吃成胖子的节奏😳 )
- 18 June ( checked ✔ 11.45pm )
- 19 June ( checked ✔ 11.30pm )
- 20 June ( checked ✔ relax, it's not a big deal )
- 21 June (checked ✔恭喜老爷贺喜夫人 30天挑战成功!!!虽然我最近开始失眠 wee hour 一定会自己醒来是怎样😂😂😂 )
老天爷 要是我成功集满全部勾勾请允许我召唤神龙~ ehhhh`不是 😅
请保佑我下次可以6点准时 朗里个朗踏着轻快的步伐 下班,partner不要临近放工时分召唤我🙏,夜幕降临一个人搭电梯很可怕😱
保佑我在沙丁鱼车厢里找到栖身之所,每天下班还要站着过14个站我的腰好像差不多需要reserved seats我的天
养成好习惯 从今天开始蛤!🙋🙋
Positive vibes coming from within would transform you
gayao gayao ! 💪💪 home mani Mani hom
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